Monday, November 16, 2009

Sponsors / Investors for Online Community.?

I am in the beginning phases of developing a community geared toward a specific demographic of people. I am a web designer and I'm creating this personally. Does anybody know if it would even be a good idea to look for investors or contact companies to sponsor the website before it takes off so that I can gain initial funds to focus on the website? Perhaps what I'm asking is if I'm just wasting my time contacting these companies or if it's a good idea? Thanks in advance.

Sponsors / Investors for Online Community.?
You are wasting your time if you don't have a good business plan that will convince investors or sponsors that your idea is feasible and will provide a good return on the investment.

You may be more successful attracting sponsor or investors if you first develop the web site and see how well it does. If you can show them that the site is successful and does what you hoped, you may be able to attract sponsors and investors more easily. The fact that you made a personal investment, consisting of developing the site and putting it into operation, makes the prospect of investing or sponsoring more attractive.

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